Results for 'Sergio Trallero Moreno'

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  1.  9
    Dimensiones de lo real: ensayos de filosofía, astrología y esoterismo.Sergio Trallero Moreno - 2014 - Madrid, España: Liber Factory.
    Este no es un libro de filosofía, ni de astrología, ni de esoterismo. No hay en él ninguna pretensión más allá de la simple expresión de un recorrido intelectual y vital, de una búsqueda y un encuentro. Desde este punto de vista se intentan exponer tres esferas distintas del ser y del conocer, de forma separada pero con las oportunas referencias cruzadas, y manteniendo siempre la jerarquía que las diferencia. La primera de ellas es la que aquí se considera como (...)
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    How winner cells cause the demise of loser cells.Fidel-Nicolás Lolo, Sergio Casas Tintó & Eduardo Moreno - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):348-353.
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    Inferences from disclosures about the truth and falsity of expert testimony.Sergio Moreno-Ríos & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (1):41-78.
    Participants acting as mock jurors made inferences about whether a person was a suspect in a murder based on an expert's testimony about the presence of objects at the crime scene and the disclosure that the testimony was true or false. Experiment 1 showed that participants made more correct inferences, and made inferences more quickly, when the truth or falsity of the expert's testimony was disclosed immediately after the testimony rather than when the disclosure was delayed. Experiment 2 showed no (...)
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    Language Processing Differences Between Blind and Sighted Individuals and the Abstract Versus Concrete Concept Difference.Enrique Canessa, Sergio E. Chaigneau & Sebastián Moreno - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13044.
    In the property listing task (PLT), participants are asked to list properties for a concept (e.g., for the concept dog, “barks,” and “is a pet” may be produced). In conceptual property norming (CPNs) studies, participants are asked to list properties for large sets of concepts. Here, we use a mathematical model of the property listing process to explore two longstanding issues: characterizing the difference between concrete and abstract concepts, and characterizing semantic knowledge in the blind versus sighted population. When we (...)
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    ¿Interesa invertir en formación universitaria? Las cuentas de la educación superior privada.Patricia Granados-González, Sergio López-Moreno & Ana M. Moreno-Adalid - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-15.
    Las estadísticas muestran que la tasa neta de escolarización en los estudios de grado en España aumenta significativamente. En esta investigación se pretende explorar la evolución de la cuenta de resultados y balance de aquellas empresas españolas de educación universitaria privada. Empleando los datos publicados en la base de datos SABI se han analizado las empresas con mayor volumen de facturación y total de activos. Como hallazgos principales se ha observado un incremento de la cifra de negocios y del resultado, (...)
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    Responsibility attribution about mechanical devices by children and adults.Cristina Gordo, Jesica Gómez-Sánchez & Sergio Moreno-Ríos - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (3):446-478.
    We investigated the causal responsibility attributions of adults and children to mechanical devices in the framework of the criticality-pivotality model. It establishes that, to assign responsibility, people consider how important a target is to reaching a positive outcome (criticality) and how much the target contributed to the actual outcome (pivotality). We also tested theoretical predictions about relations between the development of counterfactual thinking and assessments of pivotality. In Experiment 1, we replicated previous findings in adults using our task. In Experiment (...)
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  7. San Nicolás de Tolentino, VII Centenario: Devoción y patronazgo en algunos pueblos de España.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (3):603-639.
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    The Proper Function of Artifacts: Intentions, Conventions and Causal Inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau & Guillermo Puebla - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):391-406.
    Designers’ intentions are important for determining an artifact’s proper function (i.e., its perceived real function). However, there are disagreements regarding why. In one view, people reason causally about artifacts’ functional outcomes, and designers’ intended functions become important to the extent that they allow inferring outcomes. In another view, people use knowledge of designers’ intentions to determine proper functions, but this is unrelated to causal reasoning, having perhaps to do with intentional or social forms of reasoning (e.g., authority). Regarding these latter (...)
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  9. Globalización, estado nacional y derecho: los problemas normativos de los espacios deslocalizados.Sergio López Ayllón - 1999 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 11:7-21.
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  10. La transformation des bujutsu en budō à l'époque Edo (1603-1867) : mythe ou réalité?Sergio Boffa - 2019 - In Pierre Bonneels & Baudouin Decharneux (eds.), Philosophie de la religion et spiritualité japonaise. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Axiomatization of XPath with general data comparison.Sergio Abriola, Santiago Figueira & Nicolás González - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-20.
    In this work, we study Hilbert-style proof systems for logics based on the data-aware language CoreDataXPath(↓) where the comparison relation between nodes is not necessarily an equivalence relation. We give a sound and complete axiomatization of the class of tree-like Kripke frames endowed with a general comparison relation between nodes. Modular extensions of this axiomatization are also discussed, including cases where the comparison relation is reflexive, symmetric, transitive and an equivalence. A notable highlight that we recover an axiomatization for CoreDataXPath(↓) (...)
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  12. Da Universidade modelo aos modelos de universidade.Sérgio Castanho - 2002 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 4 (1):p - 27.
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  13.  36
    From Homme Machine to Homme Sensible: Changing Eighteenth-Century Models of Man's Image.Sergio Moravia - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1):45.
  14.  29
    Proteção de civis na operação de paz da ONU no Sudão do Sul: o emprego conjunto de militares e policiais.Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar & Joel Henrique Fonseca De Ávila - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):397-416.
    A guerra civil iniciada no final de 2013 no Sudão do Sul causou, pela primeira vez na história das Nações Unidas, um afluxo gigantesco de deslocados internos para o interior de bases da Missão das Nações Unidas no Sudão do Sul, em busca de proteção. Assim, foram criados os Protection of Civilian Sites. Com a chegada de dezenas de milhares de pessoas em poucas semanas, houve um enorme crescimento nas demandas humanitárias e de segurança. Para prover a necessária proteção, foi (...)
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    (1 other version)Impact of victory and defeat on the perceived stress and autonomic regulation of professional eSports athletes.Sergio Machado, Leandro de Oliveira Sant'Ana, Luis Cid, Diogo Teixeira, Filipe Rodrigues, Bruno Travassos & Diogo Monteiro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Competitive sports involve physiological, technical and psychological skills, which influence directly on individuals’ performance. This study aims to investigate the levels of perceived stress and Heart Rate Variability before and after matches with victory and defeat in professional eSports athletes. Our hypothesis was that the winners would have better autonomic and stress responses after match, thus corroborating the literature on neurocardiac connections. Fifty male eSport players were selected players from 10 different Brazilian teams. The experiment was carried out in 2 (...)
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  16. Another Voice: The Name of the Embryo.Jonathan D. Moreno - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Clinical equipoise and the therapeutic misconception.J. D. Moreno - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (5):6-7.
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  18. La referencia de los nombres propios.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2007 - Critica 39 (116):99-106.
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  19.  20
    Os fins da política no De regno de Tomás de Aquino.Sérgio Ricardo Strefling - 2022 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 27 (1).
    O presente artigo visa demonstrar que os fins da política podem ser considerados como fins transpolíticos na medida em estão imbricados com o fim último do homem. O pensamento político de Tomás de Aquino (1225-1274) está exposto na sua filosofia prática ou moral, por exemplo, nas suas questões sobre as virtudes, de um modo especial quando trata da prudência e da justiça, bem como nas discussões sobre as formas de governo, as leis, o bem comum e o direito. Santo Tomás, (...)
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  20.  10
    L'Europa libertina (secc. XVI-XVIII): bibliografia generale.Sergio Zoli - 1997 - San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze: Nardini.
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  21.  44
    Definitions of life as epistemic tools that reflect and foster the advance of biological knowledge.Alba Amilburu, Álvaro Moreno & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10565-10585.
    During the last decades the question of defining life has gained increased interest but, at the same time, the difficulty in reaching consensus on a possible answer has led many to skeptical positions. This, in turn, has raised a wider debate about why defining life is so hard and controversial. Such a debate introduces additional aspects to be considered, like the role and nature of a definition of life itself. In this paper, we will focus on those aspects, arguing that (...)
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  22. Ethics by committee: The moral authority of consensus.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (4):411-432.
    Consensus is commonly identified as the goal of ethics committee deliberation, but it is not clear what is morally authoritative about consensus. Various problems with the concept of an ethics committee in a health care institution are identified. The problem of consensus is placed in the context of the debate about realism in moral epistemology, and this is shown to be of interest for ethics committees. But further difficulties, such as the fact that consensus at one level of discourse need (...)
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  23.  33
    Time Dependency of Psychotherapeutic Exchanges: The Contribution of the Theory of Dynamic Systems in Analyzing Process.Sergio Salvatore & Wolfgang Tschacher - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Ethical and Social Dilemmas of Government Policy.Ronald Bayer & Jonathan D. Moreno - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics: Theory, Policy, and Practice.
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  25. Orgánica.Moreno Y. González & José Manuel - 1966 - Santiago, Chile,: Editorial del Pacífico.
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  26. The problem of the emergence of functional diversity in prebiotic evolution.Alvaro Moreno & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (5):585-605.
    Since Darwin it is widely accepted that natural selection (NS) is the most important mechanism to explain how biological organisms—in their amazing variety—evolve and, therefore, also how the complexity of certain natural systems can increase over time, creating ever new functions or functional structures/relationships. Nevertheless, the way in which NS is conceived within Darwinian Theory already requires an open, wide enough, functional domain where selective forces may act. And, as the present paper will try to show, this becomes even more (...)
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  27. Probability as typicality.Sérgio B. Volchan - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):801-814.
  28.  9
    La teoria della classe politica da Rousseau a Mosca.Sergio Amato (ed.) - 2001 - Firenze: Centro editoriale toscano.
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    Hipermídia, psicanálise e história da cultura.Sérgio Bairon & Luís Carlos Petry (eds.) - 2000 - [Caxias do Sul, Brazil]: Editora Mackenzie.
    Apresenta as orientações teóricas que serviram de fundamentação para a criação e metodologia da produção da hipermídia. Ele acompanha a hipermídia que se apresenta na forma de CD-ROM, inserido no interior da própria capa do livro. A obra oferece uma navegação reticular sobre as mais diversas relações entre a psicanálise freudo-lacaniana, a história da cultura e os sistemas hipermidiáticos. Animações, vídeos, hipertextos, trilhas e locuções mesclam-se no interior de um labirinto, interagindo com conceitos teóricos que oferecem os links entre as (...)
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    Trabajo abstracto y trabajo concreto: una conversación con John Holloway.Sergio Cecchetto - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (37):107-113.
    John Holloway, the well-known sociologist who revolutionized the academic environment and political de bates with his book Change the World with out Taking Power, visited Argentina again in September, 2006, to give seminars. This dialogue took place in the city Mar del Plata. In it, notions of cr..
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  31. Nunca mentir.Sergio Pérez Cortés - 1996 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 4:43-62.
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  32. Lo exclusivo del hombre del Popol Vuh.Sergio Custodio - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:261-268.
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    Soggetti sottintesi: razionalità e comprensione in Donald Davidson.Sergio Levi - 2001 - Milano: Guerini studio.
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  34. A Naturalized Account of the Inside-Outside Dichotomy.Alvaro Moreno & Xabier Barandiaran - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1):11-26.
    The first form of the inside-outside dichotomy appears as a self-encapsulated system with an active border. These systems are based on two complementary but asymmetric processes: constructive and interactive. The former physically constitute the system as a recursive network of component production, defining an inside. The maintenance of the constructive processes implies that the internal organization also constrains certain flows of matter and energy across the border of the system, generating interactive processes. These interactive processes ensure the maintenance of the (...)
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    In defence of person‐affecting procreative beneficence.Sergio Filippo Magni - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (5):473-479.
    This paper deals with the proposal of a person‐affecting version of the principle of Procreative Beneficence. Such a principle has been stated by Savulescu & Kahane in an impersonal form and balanced with a person‐affecting principle of harm to address the moral problem of the selection of future children. The paper aims to show some differences between Person‐affecting Procreative Beneficence and Savulescu & Kahane’s hybrid position, and to distinguish the former from other pro‐selection perspectives. Moreover, it explores the extension of (...)
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  36.  25
    In the wake of terror: medicine and morality in a time of crisis.Jonathan D. Moreno (ed.) - 2003 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Timely and provocative essays on bioethical questions brought to the forefront by the bioterrorist threat.
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    Superação do formalismo platónico extensionalista pelas lógicas intensional e modal.Sérgio Fernandes - 2011 - Kairos 2:67-86.
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    Sobre o uso do conceito de sublimação e suas derivações, a partir da perspectiva estética marcuseana.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Su e giù per la gabbia d'acciaio. Riflessioni sulla teoria della giustizia di John Rawls.Sergio Franzese - 2004 - Idee 56:83-107.
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  40.  28
    La recepción en España de la Teoría Crítica.Sergio Sevilla - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 50:157-167.
    El artículo reflexiona sobre las fases de la introducción en el pensamiento español de la Teoría Crítica. (1) En los años sesenta, las traducciones de Adorno o Marcuse coinciden con la influencia de otros elementos de la historia efectual del pensamiento de Marx. (2) En un segundo periodo, que abarca la transición y los primeros gobiernos socialdemócratas, las otras formas de marxismo se repliegan y se normaliza la producción española de tesis doctorales, artículos y libros sobre la Escuela de Frankfurt (...)
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  41.  24
    Semioosiline tõlge: uus teoreetiline raam pedagoogilise suunitlusega subitreerimise rakendamiseks.Sergio Torres Martínez - 2015 - Sign Systems Studies 43 (1):130-130.
    In this paper, I explore a new type of semiotic translation in the context of Audiovisual Translation Studies (AVTS). To that end, a set of formulaic sequencesbestowed of pragmalinguistic value (hedging strings) is analysed. It is argued that the semiotic analysis of conversational features in English may contribute to facilitate their pedagogical exploitation in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. This analysis builds theoretically on a semiotic translational framework termed Semiosic Translation (and its subset, Semiosic Subtitling) predicated upon three (...)
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  42.  15
    Necropolítica seguido de Sobre el gobierno privado indirecto.Sergio Esteban Ortega Bravo - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 3:341-345.
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    Dying as a king: The Seleucids in the Fragments of Porphyry Transmitted by Eusebius' Chronicon Morire da re: I Seleucidi nei frammenti di Porfirio trasmessi dal Chronicon di Eusebio.Sergio Brillante - 2020 - História 69 (3):310-331.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze a fragment by Porphyry concerning Seleucid history and transmitted by Eusebius of Caesarea's Chronicon. A short introduction on this work will be followed by a defense of the authorship of the fragment as Porphyrian, and by a cautious suggestion to assign it to the Contra Christianos. In the last section, the fragment will be examined at length and its ideological background will be highlighted. In particular, the account of Seleucid kings' deaths shows (...)
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  44.  14
    L’influsso della conoscenza storica e cronologica sulla critica letteraria.Sergio Brillante - 2021 - Hermes 149 (4):432.
    The aim of this paper is to show the influence of chronographical works on ancient literary criticism and philology in Rome between the end of the first century BC and the beginnings of the first century AD. In the first part, the development of chronographic tradition in Rome at the end of the Republic is briefly sketched (par. 1). The second part of the paper deals with the relevance of this kind of works for the literary analyses exposed in Cicero’s (...)
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  45.  84
    Meno the Politikos Politics and Unity of the Soul in Plato's Meno.Sergio Ariza - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (149):39-58.
    Se analizan algunos usos del tópico de la política en el Menón, para mostrar que la virtud discutida es política, no sólo porque los interlocutores están interesados exclusivamente en la cualidad que debe poseer el gobernante, sino también porque tal cualidad consiste en una forma de autogobierno del alma. El alma es vista así como una entidad política cuya excelencia depende del tipo de gobierno impuesto. Se relaciona esta propuesta con la psicología implícita en la primera sección del diálogo, en (...)
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  46. Frege, i fatti e l'argomento di Frege-Church.Sergio Bernini - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (26):257-270.
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    Optimisation and “Thoughtful Conjecturing” as Principles of Analytical Guidance in Social Decision Making.Sergio Bruno - 2010 - In Marisa Faggini, Concetto Paolo Vinci, Antonio Abatemarco, Rossella Aiello, F. T. Arecchi, Lucio Biggiero, Giovanna Bimonte, Sergio Bruno, Carl Chiarella, Maria Pia Di Gregorio, Giacomo Di Tollo, Simone Giansante, Jaime Gil Aluja, A. I͡U Khrennikov, Marianna Lyra, Riccardo Meucci, Guglielmo Monaco, Giancarlo Nota, Serena Sordi, Pietro Terna, Kumaraswamy Velupillai & Alessandro Vercelli (eds.), Decision Theory and Choices: A Complexity Approach. Springer Verlag Italia. pp. 37--63.
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    Empresas del sector de las TIC factor clave para disminuir la brecha digital en Risaralda.Ligia Stella Bustos Ríos, Ricardo Moreno Laverde & Daniel Connolly - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Reflexiones Entorno a la Distinción Analítico Sintético en Kant.Sergio Prince Cruzat - 1999 - Cinta de Moebio 6.
    A Kant se le considera completamente ajeno a la tradición analítica y positivista, sin embargo, el autor de este trabajo ha encontrado algunas voces que desde el ámbito de la analítica atribuyen a este gigante del pensamiento alemán, un papel mucho más importante y para nada insignifica..
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  50. La problematizzazione dell'Eros nel pensiero rinascimentale.Sergio Dagradi - 2001 - Giornale di Metafisica 23 (1):61-102.
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